Phantasmal Martyrs - SOI-EN041 - Ultimate Rare - Unlimited
Attribute: Spell
Card Number: SOI-EN041
Card Text: You can only activate this card while you have 2 or more cards in your hand and have either 'Uria Lord of Searing Flames' or 'Hamon Lord of Striking Thunder' face-up on your side of the field. By sending your entire hand to the Graveyard Special Summon 3 'Phantasmal Martyr Tokens' (Fiend-Type/DARK/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0) in Attack Position on your side of the field.
Card Type: Normal Spell
Edition: Unlimited
Name: Phantasmal Martyrs
Passcode: 93224848
Rarity: Ultimate Rare
Set: Shadow of Infinity